Monday 3 March 2014

TopRead of the Term!

goes to … (a drum role pulease!)

Gangs as Alternative Transitional Structures, a journal article in primary research by Jewelle Gibbs

Gibbs, J. T. (2000) 'Gangs as alternative transitional structures: Adaptations to racial and social marginality in Los Angeles and London' Journal of Multicultural Social Work, 8 (1-2), p. 71-99

I used this in my latest Research Approaches module assignment, and in my own mind it's the most interesting journal I've read so far. Not perfect (but as I am learning, no research every is) I still found it to explore fascinating themes as to why youth and individuals become enticed into gang membership, and what it really means to them. Not just dodgy gangs of unruly and disorganised youth, to some it represented a place to go and people that would accept you, not to mention the emotional and social needs of those maturing into adulthood and have no where else to find it without being labelled and excluded. A great read, but I realise I can only understand it now that I have some comprehension to academic jargon. Ah well, here's to writing some of my own interesting academic findings in plain English.

The Research Approaches Module of year 2 has not been to everyone's liking, I however have found it quite fun to play researcher for the last few months, especially with the approaching dissertation of my final year coming up. The module sees introductions into computer research programs like SSPS and NVivo, and how to analyse both qualitative and quantitative data. Assignment 2 (where I used this article extensively) had me writing a critics review of the article, analysing how one would do their own research - which incidentally the proposal of which is coming up in the final assignment of this module. Oh joy!

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