Friday 11 April 2014

Dialectical Thinking

In my last two years as a student I've experienced as many as, if not more, emotions as the next student.

Excitement, anticipation, ambition, enthusiasm.
Disappointment, disillusionment, frustration, apathy. 

You name it, negative and positive I've felt it. 
But I've plodded on, for many reasons. It was only during research for my assignment on Perceptions and Discourses of Childhood, that I identified the type of thinking I had developed, and how powerfully it can be used.

Firstly I would like to disclaim any understanding of this mode of thinking, analysing and reasoning. I'm going to give my take on the matter and how I apply it in my own life and learning, but if you are join going to reference it please make sure you understand it well before using it.

Referred to as dialectical thinking, I have read Basseches' takes and examples of this mode of thinking, and to be honest I love it! It's a way of taking life but the 'horns', not letting it effect you negatively or ride you, but using what life throws at your to your advantage.

Person A might think … let me dump these assignments, I don't like them and I won't be controlled by grades and universities, or future corporate agencies for that matter. I'll do my own thing whenever I want however I want.

Person B might think … I've GOT to get these grades! I have to agree with everything that theory says. This is the only way that I can get anywhere in the world.

But Person C meanwhile thinks … well I've got this opportunity for learning and experimenting with some of the great theories out there. I've got lecturers that want me to get good grades and tell me what I should do. I don't HAVE to do all these things because I have my own mind and my own agenda, but I will utilise what I have been given. I will listen to what they have to say, I will do my best at my assignments according to my learning and what I get out of the research. I will try to get the best grades I can but I will not compromise on what I believe in and dream of doing with my life.

It's a type of thinking that takes everything into account, doesn't make harsh, rash decisions, but thinks for the long term and with the respect to who and what is around. It's not letting situations use you, it's utilising your situations to build your life! And today is the beginning of the rest of your life!

Here's a little more reading on the topic, please comment if you understand something different as I am curious if I'm the only one who sees it think way.

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