You're on a trajectory path, he said. Something I had never heard of before. In your first years you 'die' for an A, but you don't always get it, perhaps due to the challenge of the assignment or your personal ability. But one doesn't simply arrive on site at university and within days become a raging, A+ academic. And I realised that in order to be happy professionally, efficient and achieve my goals, I needed to stay on this 'trajectory path'. (1) Descriptive = our first year academically, describing what we read and see. (2) Analytical = dissecting, looking carefully at, reasoning within ourselves the theories and current policies. (3) Critical Analysis = making our contributing, taking all we have learnt and arguing what holds true and what does not.
A friend of mine started out her first year as a C student, which might have discouraged or hit me hard, but then in her second year she was a B, and her third she is now an A student (getting regular A-, A and A+). And when we talked about it, that was a success story. In today's climate where it's more than the paper that says you've got a degree, it's the 3D learning, it's the character you build and display from your learning years. Perhaps this is a good thing, employers (while they look at your qualifications) are looking even more at YOU. What has our degree made us, how do we present ourselves, how have we spent our time. I could be wrong but I believe this is the way of future employment and success stories.
Which brings me to what my lovely unit co-ordinator told us in an informal meeting one day: I don't care if you get A's, B's or C's, as long as you work to the best of your ability.
We are each on a different journey, with different abilities and talents (some aren't even academic), but to know you had been through university and not reached your full capabilities, THAT'S painful.
And it comforts me to know that even if I don't get the first or even the upper second class degree, if I challenged myself, and aspire to the next level at all time, then I will reach my full potential and be happy no matter what my grades are.
On another topic, if you would like to see the StEP project I have been working on, here's is a sneak peak poster advertisement made for the event….