Friday 9 May 2014


My postcard to you this well-deserved Friday:

I remember reading someplace that to stay inspired and committed to excellence, you must surround yourself with people of the same mind, and that is what I have experienced this last month.

As the final four assignments this past month were all being hammered out on our laptops and created from the academic pages we mulled over, I started to feel a sense of camaraderie I hadn't experienced or even been particularly grateful for before. Being a bit of a lone wolf (perhaps from too many disappointments) I've spent the last two years keeping much to myself, getting my work done, and yes, making friends in the process, but this month I've realised how much I have needed others, and some moments where I couldn't have made it without that support. To keep you in the right path, to support and be supported by, and learn from - particularly since this is a human services degree it could not be more vital to each one of us - as we work together. And this is something you just can't maintain surrounded by people without the same aspirations and hopes and dreams and standards. 

That's why I went into higher education, because I didn't just want a job, I wanted something that would make a difference in others lives and change my life too. I also wanted to be surrounded by those type of people too, because no human being can carry the case load in human services alone. It's a niche choice of professionalism, and not everybody leads their careers this way, but believe me it is worth it going to sleep at night and knowing you've endeavoured to live to your full potential.

So here is a massive thank you to those friends who have shared their knowledge, learning and support with me this last year, from first, second and third years!

Congratulations to those of you who are beginning a new chapter of your lives as you graduate and a promise to those of us who are still getting there. To class 2015!

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