Friday 2 May 2014

Applying, Step 3: Which University?

Feeling I'm in a bit of a time paradox as I observe my frantic 3rd-year counter-parts as they complete and hand in their dissertations and final assignments, and at the same time find myself relating to next year's "wannabe students" as they try to decide if the UoB (University of Bedfordshire) is right for them. 

It's been a great experience reaching out to the 3rd years, this happened via our society across the 3 years and really a good way to step outside of our year group. They have all been incredibly supportive and helpful, and making us think twice as we've made certain decisions. "I made that mistake in 2nd year" and "I wish I had done things differently because I am paying for it now". We all know how regret is a hard thing to live with - and the best sight is hindsight - coupled together it has encouraged a lot of us to buckle down and hope to end the degree with as little regret as possible - which basically equates to a lot of hard work and lack of sleep.

Makes me grateful to have chosen the university I am in now, as I decided to take the route that would allow me to stay with my fiancé and family network close by, and allowed me to get a job I knew I could hold on to at the end of the day. A lot of convenience factors were taken into account, but then I'm a "mature student" and had to make the choices accordingly.

If I had been unattached, then I would have broadened my horizons and used university to accomplish some of those '7 Things Before You're 25' (seriously a great starting point if you want to be independent and grow up). But in all honestly, my Bucket List has a LOT of ticks on it, and I have it in my confidence to get what I want out of life, and that's why choosing a university close to my present location worked for me. UoB may not be a top or well known university, and there are numerous things I would like to see changed (cleaner toilets for one - ahem! ladies!), but then that's why I'm a Student Representative, attend Portfolio Executive Committee meetings and get involved with making it what I want it to be. That is one thing I feel UoB is great in, giving the students a voice and allowing them to dictate.

Considering the degree I was interested in was also a big factor. For me, the UoB is the only university doing the Child and Adolescent Studies' degree. It's a brilliant, broad strokes degree that I can use to learn about the human services, and in my 3rd year I can choose the units that best suit the direction I am choosing to take. If I were doing another degree, a more specific degree, I might have felt differently.

I will leave you on a few pointers to consider...
Pick a University with…
  • good student participation - education should be a two-way street
  • genuine teaching staff - you can't learn from someone you don't respect
  • travel connections that suit you - considering your family/relationships and how easy you may want to get to them
  • the course that you want! and if there is the option to choose a firm choice and an insurance choice then shoot high! 

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