Friday 23 May 2014

#100HappyDays highlights

As we are at the end of the academic year in UoB I thought I would share the last of my #100HappyDays and some of the joys of the last term and a half in my eclectic world called Luton, Bedfordshire.
  1. Working in a Primary School isn't all fun and games, it can be quite draining and yes monotony creeps in, it's always nice to go on a field trip and London Zoo was a great time to enjoy some quality time with the children, I'm such a sop I know!
  2. I'm not usually your A+ student but it was nice to get a few this year and see my academic skills developing nicely.
  3. Enjoying my days at work as I've been given my own little classroom for interventions and groups sessions. Great practice in handling groups of children and opportunities for initiative taking - BLESSED to have a job that is letting me explore my abilities and take on new challenges.
  4. Getting a sweet pick up from university by the fiancé rather than have to walk up my MASSIVE hill home, and did some sky watching instead.
  5. Had some terrific weather and in between all the assignment madness it was nice to take a stroll through the town and St George's Square while all the kids were coming down to the water fountains.
  6. Can't help but mention getting my blogging contract, a great feeling to be paid for being creative, even if it's just something on the side.
  7. Ah yes, as noted I have a fiancé so naturally wanted to handmake my wedding invites with an eco-vibe, lots of fun and found these nifty card cutters from Tiger in the Mall - one of my favourite shops here in Luton!
  8. Moutabbal at Damas Grill with the girlfriends. A great catchup after all our hard work of the year behind us.
  9. Just loving the bluebells in my garden!

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