Sunday 22 June 2014

2015 here we come!

In thinking over the last academic year, I find my mind going WWW (what went well) and EBI (even better if). Looking at the opportunities I've had and the ones that I've missed and would like to utilise in this new year. I'm also looking over my contacts built and who I may want to stay in contact with or need to "impress" in my last year before graduation.

Right from the beginning of my degree my lecturer's poignant words rang in my ear "Your career starts from today". And you've probably noticed the urgency in all my blog posts. :) Life is so short and we only get one chance to experience it to the full.

Particularly in our CAS Conference Day a couple of weeks ago (see previous article) , I've noted the opportunities relevent to Health and Social Science students. The Access Partnership Associates, the Children's Centre Volunteer Programme and now it's sister Family Engagement Officer Volunteers. We have the Blog Internships. The Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) teams!

It's PAL that I am particularly interested in being a part of this year. It looks like a great way to develop skills in working with individuals and small groups, and give confidence in related work. I'll try to keep you posted on what happens there!

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