Sunday 15 June 2014

Student Experience Awards

My humblest apologies for being so late with this week's post, I wanted to wait until after Friday as June 13th was the UoB's annual awards event for the Student Experience. I was delighted to recieve an invite and also accompanied my best uni bud who had been nominated for the Community Contribution award.

So, all dolled up and refreshed after the end of the teaching year, we toasted champagne and cheered the awards for students and staff alike, those who had made a contrubution in some way: Inspirational Teaching, Role Model of Professionalism, team players and student achievments. It was terrific to recognise those who had played a part in the year and made a difference. Some who had been poorly but continued to shed light and guidance to their students, some who had given of themselves through volunteering alongside their studies, and those who through their friendly and genuine nature had made an impact. I left that evening (a leetle tipsy) but realising how human we all were but how we each had a part to play and whether recognised or no last Friday evening - I salute you as you go into the academic year 2014-2015. Keep up the good work!

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