Friday 6 June 2014

CAS Conference 2014

This week saw the First Ever Child and Adolescent Studies Degree Conference - and I had the pleasure if being a part of it this last Wednesday.

Over two months in the making, and with the wonderful StEPs team joining us late last month to help make it a reality, we invited students and organisation representatives to talk about the power of volunteering, and how to apply what we have learned on our degree to our work field.

From crèche nannying to College lecturers, the university's Children Centre partnership with the local council, to The National Citizenship Service - I was amazed to see how diverse the experience and opportunities are to those coming from our degree. Students volunteered to speak for fifteen minutes about their experiences, hold poster presentations on their roles, and host promotional tables for the charities they were involved in. By the end of the day I was truly proud not just to be a part it, but to be a park of a community of professional learners to whom the sky is the limit.

Well done CAS students 2014, 2015 and 2016! X

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