Friday, 20 December 2013

Group Work/Assignments

So it's official. 2nd year is where it all starts, forget your easy, chilled out 1st year where you pass assignments like a breeze, gaining experience and skill but not really bothering too much about the outcome. The second year is where your grades count towards what standard a degree you are getting, 1st, 2nd or standard, and the pressure is on! I don't even know where the pressure came from, I know I can do my work, and I know I have a decent standard to boot, but when you know you are capable of more, you have to attempt it, and it's a pain and joy at the same time.

This month I managed to complete 3 Assignments across 3 of my 4 units. A 2,000 word essay, an essay plan and consequently an in class writing of that essay, and a group work presentation on a case study.  And yes, a few times I thought to myself I don't know how I'm going to do it up to the standard I want.

Group work has always been a little touch and go on our course, with some people talking about how great it was (I got an A+ last year on my group work) and others hating it. However in the human services that we are studying, you have to learn to work with people - what more can I say except that this is another valuable opportunity.

Strengths - Many hands make light work and represent a holistic (well-rounded) approach to the task at hand.
Weaknesses - Lack of mutual respect, one needs to learn to work together and tolerate the differences of style but recognise that the job needs to be done and it's gotta be done together.
Opportunities - You get to see things from different angles, and someone will always end up researching something that you hadn't thought of and just may be the key to getting that extra boost to your grade.
Threats - No matter how hard you try there will always be that possibility that your team mate will let you down. They might get a different message from what was in your planning, may do everything BUT sit down and work, but that's why it's so important to communicate, communicate, communicate, and take the time to bond as a group.

I considered myself lucky this time around as we did some quality work together and enjoyed ourselves too.

A very happy Anna after handing in all assignments before we break up for the holidays - the next one is the day we get back!

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